Luther Burbank clinic a success despite last-minute vaccine changes
April 13, 2021 — We did it! 2,212 Pfizer doses were delivered today at Luther Burbank High School after pivoting quickly in the morning after the news of J&J left us scrambling to figure out what to do with the 2,200 appointments that we had showing up in two hours for their shot. Huge props to Sacramento County for quickly coming through with the Pfizer vaccine! We didn't miss a beat as a result.
About 2/3s still showed up for their appointments (normally this is about 80%) for a total of 1,422 appointments, and we took 790 walk-ups throughout the day. 112 youth (16 + 17-year-olds) received the vaccine, including two foster kids that we had the pleasure of personally serving.
The longest time waiting out front was 23 minutes, and that's when the line wrapped around the auditorium near the time of the shift change. (We tested by giving people a sheet of paper at the back of the line with the time on it and the number of people in front of them.) At our peak, we moved people through the clinic at 12/people/min.
Our registrants spoke 12 different languages (as did our 200 volunteers, collectively). 1/3 were uninsured. The gratitude from all was overwhelming.
We're thankful for the collaboration with SCUSD to get the word out with respect to the walk-ups—partnering with the district helped to make it a success. City of Sacramento IT again saved the day by providing us with 26 laptops and 16 iPads.
Roughly 0.5% of Sacramento got a shot at our clinic today. The show went on. A wonderful accomplishment, all things considered!
Image credits: Trustee Chinua Rhodes and Councilmember Mai Vang